Pregnancy Care Guide
Preconception check up
How to get pregnant
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
Foetal Develpoment
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Changes in the woman
Check Ups and Tests
Blood Tests
Urine Tests
Tests on the Uterus
Diet and foods for the pregnant
Essential Nutrients
Recommended Daily Diet for the Expectant Woman
Tips for Healthy Eating
Wholesome Eating During the Trimesters
Exercises during pregnancy
Antenatal care
Complications during Pregnancy
Causes of repeated abortions and miscarriage
High Risk pregnancy
Twins and multiple pregnancies
Gestational diabetes
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Bleeding during pregnancy
Preterm or premature labour
Ectopic pregnancy
Rhesus Factor

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Signs and Symptoms of PregnancyIf a woman in a normal state of health who has been previously having regular periods fails to menstruate for ten days or more after her due date, it can be presumed that she has become pregnant. If another month passes without menstruation, pregnancy can be inferred with certainty. After conception, menstrual bleeding stops. It may, how­ever, persist in exceptional cases.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that in some unusual conditions, menstruation can fail even when there has been no conception. The conditions, which are mainly due to hormonal changes, include menopause, environmental changes and some specific illnesses. Therefore, a missed period is not necessarily diagnostic of pregnancy. As soon as pregnancy setups, there are certain signs and symptoms for its confirmation.

  • A missed period is considered the first and important indication of pregnancy. If a Woman who has been regular in her periods does not menstruate for a period of two months, it can be taken as certain that she has become pregnant.
  • The breasts of a woman undergo considerable changes in shape and size during her first pregnancy.
  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, may occur from the second or third week of pregnancy, and may continue for some six or twelve weeks. This is generally attributed to hormonal changes.
  • During the first three months, the development of the uterus exerts pressure on the urinary bladder, causing the frequency of urination to increase; later on, this trouble spon­taneously subsides, though it recurs later when the baby descends to the lower parts of the abdomen (pelvis) in the final stages of pregnancy.
  • The shift in the hormonal balance causes certain changes in the colour of the skin. These changes are more apparent in women whose skin is darker. The skin of the area from the breasts to the lower abdomen, the thighs, the areas surround­ing the nipples (areolas), and the genitals acquire a darker tint, which often does not revert to normal even after delivery.
  • A feeling of tiredness is very common in women during the first trimester (period of three months) of pregnancy, though in the subsequent months it tends to decrease. Pregnant women therefore should not over-exert themselves, and should take adequate rest when the feeling of tiredness is experienced. Some time between the 16th and the 18th week, the movements of the baby begin to be felt, and these movements gradually become more frequent as time passes.
  • Soon after conception, a Woman develops certain pecu­liarities of taste. There are not alike in all women, but it cab be stated in general that strong preferences for certain foods are developed, especially those with unusual tastes. In addition to normal foods, she may feel a desire for starchy foods, clay, crushed ice and inedible unusual substances like whitewash of the walls, etc.
  • Because of the increased intake of starchy foods, salivation is increased. The pregnant woman is troubled by heat to a greater extent, and generally perspires more freely. This, of course, should cause no worry.
  • Usually constipation troubles a pregnant woman, in part because she tends to take rather excessive amounts of medi­cines containing iron. The changing proportions of hormones also make the intestines rather lax, and the developing fetus also presses upon the intestines.
  • Indigestion and gas in the stomach are other common complaints during pregnancy. It is therefore advisable to avoid foods which may produce gas.
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