Pregnancy Care Guide
Preconception check up
How to get pregnant
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
Foetal Develpoment
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Changes in the woman
Check Ups and Tests
Blood Tests
Urine Tests
Tests on the Uterus
Diet and foods for the pregnant
Essential Nutrients
Recommended Daily Diet for the Expectant Woman
Tips for Healthy Eating
Wholesome Eating During the Trimesters
Exercises during pregnancy
Antenatal care
Complications during Pregnancy
Causes of repeated abortions and miscarriage
High Risk pregnancy
Twins and multiple pregnancies
Gestational diabetes
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Bleeding during pregnancy
Preterm or premature labour
Ectopic pregnancy
Rhesus Factor

Third Trimester (29-40 weeks)

EIGHTH LUNAR MONTH (29-32 weeks)
By the end of the eighth lunar month or 32 weeks gestational age, the average baby, is 15 inches long and weighs 1,500 grams (3 pounds, 5 ounces) or more. The skin is still red but is less wrinkled and the fingernails are long. If born now, the baby's chance of survival is better than 95 percent.

Your baby may now weigh more than 1.35 kgs. Your baby is putting on a lot of weight and is going through a period of increased growth. If your baby makes acrobatic movements and plenty of kicking, your spouse can also feel them. Each day your baby changes position, head down today, head up tomorrow. Full of energy it bounces around giving immense pleasure and comfort to you.

By the end of the tenth lunar month or 40 weeks gestational age, the baby's brain has greatly increased in number of cells. This growth will continue for the first 5 to 6 months after birth. By now, 96 percent of all babies are positioned head down. During the final 2 to 4 weeks of gestation, the head or other presenting part settles down into the top of the woman's pelvis. During this last lunar month, the baby gains about 1/2 pound per week and, by the 40th week, is an average of 20 inches in length and 7 to 7 1/2pounds in weight. The baby is ready to be born.

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